We will continue to make every effort to promote basic equilibrium in our balance of international payments. 我们还要努力实现国际收支基本平衡。
Unsteady development means overheated investment as well as excessive credit supply and liquidity and surplus in foreign trade and international payments. 所谓不稳定,就是投资增长率过高,信贷投放过多,货币流动性过大,外贸和国际收支顺差过高。
The agreement entitles either country to receive up to2 bln usd from the other in order to solve problems related to international payments and financial stability. 根据上述协议,中国人民银行及韩国银行可在必要时,向对方提供相当于20亿美元的资金,作为对国际金融机构援助资金的补充,支持对方解决国际收支问题和维持金融稳定。
This paper is delivered in four sections dealing respectively with educations relationship with employment, balance of international payments, income distribution, and fiscal balance, so as to illustrate educations role in guaranteeing economic stability and sustained growth. 本文分为四部分,分别考察教育与社会就业、国际收支、收入分配、财政平衡之间的关系,说明教育在保证经济稳定、持续增长中的作用。
In other words, my previous speech was about economic growth per se, whereas this paper is a study of employment, balance of international payments, income distribution, financial balance and other issues occurring in the process of stabilizing and sustaining economic growth. 换言之,前一篇文章考察的范围在于经济增长本身,本文考察的范围在于稳定、持续经济增长过程中的社会就业、国际收支、收入分配、财政平衡等问题。
We will combine expanding import with stabilizing export in an effort to make our international payments more balanced. 我们将把扩大进口与稳定出口结合起来,努力促进国际收支基本平衡。
The brown boom threatens to prove far more damaging than its predecessor, because it lasted so much longer more like 10 years than two-and-a-half thanks to international payments patterns and elastic credit markets. 布朗创造的繁荣带来的破坏可能要远远大于其前任,这是因为此轮繁荣持续的时间要长得多更接近10年,而不是两年半归因于国际支付模式和有弹性的信贷市场。
The state may restrict international trade in services in order to safeguard the national security or public interest, to protect the ecological environment, to establish or accelerate the establishment of a particular domestic service industry, to maintain the state's balance of international payments. 国家为维护国家安全或者社会公共利益,为保护生态环境,为建立或者加快建立国内特定的服务行业,为保障国家外汇收支平衡,可以限制国际服务贸易。
Cross-border trade entails helping small merchants with languages, logistics, customs documentation and international payments. 开展跨境交易服务,意味着要在语言、物流、客户建档和国际支付等方面为小型商户提供帮助。
The twin surpluses in China's international payments has promoted Chinese economic growth, but also has caused the rise of price, trade friction and lose of national welfare. 内容提要中国国际收支的双顺差推动了经济增长,但也造成了物价上涨、贸易摩擦和国民福利损失。
The Impact of China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment under the Conditions of the Imbalance of International Payments in the Empirical Study 国际收支失衡条件下我国对外直接投资影响的实证研究
The international payments firm says the service will save time and money as demand for the yuan grows. 国际清算公司认为在人民币需求增长的情况下,这项服务将会节省时间和成本。
Economists also said the country should further relax controls on capital outflow, in order to create a better balance of international payments. 经济学家们还说,国家应该进一步地放松对资金外流的控制,以便于更好地平衡国际收支。
Last year, China's balance of international payments remained sound and foreign exchange reserves grew considerably. 去年中国国际收支状况良好,外汇储备大幅增加。良好的国际收支状况.国际收支状况良好。
In order to maintain the state's balance of international payments; 为保障国家外汇收支平衡;
Preliminary study on Guarantees and Securities as related to International Payments 与国际支付有关的保证及担保品之初步研究
Whether or not the RMB will be devalued depends on the international economic situation and China's balance of international payments. 人民币是否贬值取决于国际的经济状况和中国的国际收支状况。
The growing trade surplus has led to frequent trade friction, while the large international payments surplus has increased the pressure for appreciation of the Chinese currency. 这不断增长的贸易顺差导致频繁的摩擦,与此同时巨大的&增加了人民币升值的压力。
The Analysis of China's International Payments after the Reform and Open up 改革开放以来我国国际收支情况分析
Safe said it would take "safeguard and controlling measures" over its international payments system to protect the economy in a crisis. 外管局表示,在经济出现危机时它将对国际收支采取“保障和控制措施”以保障经济运行。
In addition, national income, international trade theory and commercial policies, foreign exchange markets, and the balance of international payments will be treated briefly. 此外,还将简要涉及国民收入、国际贸易理论和商业政策、外汇市场、国际收支平衡等问题。
He didn't single out the US dollar by name but said the crisis showed the dangers of relying on one nation's currency for international payments. 他并没有点美元的名,但是说,这场危机表明依赖一国的货币进行国际支付的危险性。
The dollar is the linchpin of the system of international payments. 美元是国际支付体系中的核心。
How do we group the international transactions in the balance of international payments statements? 在国际收支平衡表中我们如何将这些交易归类?
We must stimulate economic growth, create more jobs, stabilize prices and maintain balance of international payments as the main macroeconomic control objectives. 要把促进经济增长,增加就业,稳定物价,保持国际收支平衡作为宏观调控的主要目标。
International payments arrangements are at an impasse much as they were in the summer of 1971, when there was widespread recognition that trade imbalances were far too large. 国际收支安排陷入了与1971年夏季非常相似的困境。当时,人们普遍承认,贸易失衡过于严重了。
Working Group on International Payments 国际支付问题工作组
Statements of balance of international payments usually present three kinds of transactions: Current Account, Capital Account and Balancing Account. 通常国际收支平衡表有三项主要账目,即经常项目、资本项目和平衡项目。